( Trauma | Orthopaedics | Rheumatology )

Multi-Disciplinary | Distance Learning

Flexible , affordable and career boosting programme
50 CPD points

Accredited by 

Register now to start learning and get your CPD Advanced Certificate

Postgraduate Course
The Royal Colle of Surgeons of Edinburgh

Postgraduate Diploma
The Skill Development Council Canada

Affordable Monthly Payments



The Postgraduate program has been designed to provide support for the multi-professional workforce in meeting the increasing demand for optimal care of musculoskeletal conditions. By demonstrating applied knowledge in this field, learners will be equipped with the necessary skills to begin or advance their career in MSK medicine and Orthopaedics.
This extensive course is comprehensive and covers all aspects relevant to the field, ensuring that learners are well-rounded and fully equipped to tackle challenges within the industry.
Our accreditation status serves as a testament to our commitment to high standards and indicates that our program or institution has undergone a thorough review and evaluation process by experts in the field.
The program has been meticulously crafted by our experienced tutors and is delivered online through the Orthopaedic Academy LMS platform. Learners will receive ongoing support throughout their journey through the tutor-moderated discussion forum.
To ensure the highest quality of educational content, we regularly re-evaluate our materials and closely monitor feedback to make improvements where necessary.

 Targeted professionals for admission
  • Surgical and Orthopaedic trainees
  • Foundations Doctors
  • Speciality Doctors
  • Emergency department doctors and nurse practitioners
  • General practitioners
  • Surgical Nurse Practitioners
  • Extended role Nurse Practitioners
  • Surgical assistants


  • Modules to cover all aspects of Musculoskeletal Medicine
  • Each modules includes MCQ assessment to test your learning
  • Course duration: 6-9 months
  • Direct contact with a Tutor for case discussions and student’s queries
  • Final assignment project entails submission of 1 MCQ per module with full explanation of the answer
  • On completion you will receive a certificate accredited by the Royal College of Surgeons 

Programme of Modules

  • Module 1 – The Orthopaedic Oncall
  • Module 2 – The Upper Limb
  • Module 3 -The Lower Limb
  • Module 4 – The Spine
  • Module 5 – Paediatric Orthopaedics
  • Module 6 – Orthopaedic Pathologies & Oncology
  • Module 7 – Clinical & Surgical Orthopaedic Skills
  • Module 8 – General Principles Of Orthopaedic Xray / MRI , And Case Spottors
  • Module 9 – Orthopaedic Implants & Appliances
  • Module 10 – General Principles Of Orthopaedic Practice