Multiple Choice Questions

Single Best Answer

Master your question answering skills and revise for the theory part of your orthopaedic exam.
Our questions follow the same themes used in previous exams.
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Multiple Choice Questions

Single Best Answer

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A 57 years old male presented to the ED over the weekend with pain in his right hip following total hip replacement done 6 weeks ago. He developed fever of 38 two days ago. His CRP was 300, WCC was 15. The overlying skin was warm with no sinus. The hip aspiration was carried out in theatre and synovasure test was positive.

What is the next most appropriate step in the management of this patient?


Author - Fouad Chaudhry

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Number of hits during taper assembly can influence taper seating mechanisms.

Which of the statement is true regarding single hit versus three hits ?


Author - Fouad Chaudhry

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All of the statements regarding the a typical femur fracture due to bisphosphonate therapy are true EXCEPT:


Author - Fouad Chaudhry

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All of the following are the components of DAIR (Debridement and implant retention) procedure following Prosthetic joint infection after Total hip replacement EXCEPT : 

Author - Fouad Chaudhry